Ufone Telecom offers Mega Internet Offer which empowers users with 50 GB of Data with blazing 3G speed to enjoy. Mega Internet Offer is valid for same day, however the offer will be subscribed automatically if you have sufficient balance. Ufone Mega Interne Offer empowers subscriber to download 50 GB data or can surf internet, can use social sites or can download up to 50 GB volume limit. You can purchase the offer for just as low as 6 rupees.
The rate of Ufone Mega Internet Offer is lowest and is very unique due to its price tag and volume being offered. The Ufone Mega Internet Offer is comparable at Pakistan Level with any of the Internet Service Provider, i.e. PTCL or any of the private Internet Service Provider including Wateen, Wi-Tribe or any other third party. Most of the private service providers offer a certain volume limit i.e. 10 to 20 GB for their basic package with validity of entire month. On the other hand, Ufone Telecom offers 50 GB volume bundle for as low as 6 rupees.
Limited Volume:
Ufone Telecom has decided to reduce the volume of Mega Internet Offer. The mobile telecom company has advertised in news paper as well on their web portal in news bar to reduce the volume limit of Mega Internet Offer.
New Volume Limit:
Ufone Telecom will offer 5 GB of Internet Volume for its Mega Internet Offer from 14th May 2015. The Ufone Mega Internet Offer enables both 2G and 3G subscribers to enjoy 50 GB volume, however from 14th May 2015, the subscribers can avail 5 GB volume.
Extra Usages:
Those subscribers who will use their 5 GB volume limit from 14 May will have to pay as per their default internet charges. The Ufone Default internet charges are 20 rupees for first MB, while the user will get 19 MBs for free for rest of day. On usage of 21st MB, user will charge for that MB, i.e. 20 rupees.
Ufone Daily Internet Buckets:
Currently, Ufone Telecom is offering 4 types of daily internet buckets including:
Daily Light Bucket:
The bucket is available for 10 rupees with 40 MBs and a validity of 24 hours. Dial *804# to subscribe the bucket and UNSUB to 8804 to unsubscribe the bucket.
Daily Heavy Bucket:
Daily Heavy Bucket offers 75 MB Internet Volume for 15 rupees with a validity of 24 hours. Dial *8042# to subscribe the bucket and UNSUB to 4804 to unsubscribe the bucket.
Special Daily Bucket:
Special Daily Internet Bucket by Ufone offers 50 MB internet volume for 5 rupees. The bucket is valid from 1 AM to 9 PM. Dial *810# to subscribe the bucket and UNSUB to 7810 unsubscribe the bucket.
Mega Internet Bucket:
Ufone Mega Internet Bucket is currently offers 50 GB internet volume for as low as 6 rupees. Dial *550# to subscribe the bucket and dial #5501# to unsubscribe the bucket, however from 14 May 2015, Ufone will offer only 5 GB volume.